Tag Archives: absence

Receptionist suffering from public phobia wins £56k after unfair dismissal

employment tribunal for public phobia

Case History Sacramenta D’Silva worked at a chest clinic at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust for 18 years. She lost her job after telling her employer that public facing work was impossible because of her ‘public phobia’. In a tribunal ruling D’Silva won £56,000 for unfair dismissal. After a long sick leave, she returned to […]

Employee Protestors: Can my employee have time off to protest?

employee protestors

The Problem of Employee Protestors The past two years have seen an increase in protests addressing a range of issues. From climate change to black lives matter, people gathering in the streets has become a familiar sight. What if your employee is one of the protestors? More importantly, what if they should be at work […]

Free Guide: How to Manage an Employee With Long Covid

long covid employee

Long covid affects one in five people infected. Many among them may be your employees. Have you got procedures in place to make sure you are in compliance with employment law? During the covid 19 pandemic, it has emerged that the illness can persist beyond the two weeks of symptoms experienced by most. This experience […]

Managing Absence: An Introduction

Managing Absence

Apart from annual holiday entitlement, an employee might need time off work for reasons including: short-term and long-term sickness, including mental health conditions helping a child, partner or relative bereavement medical appointments pregnancy-related illnesses and appointments, including IVF bad weather conditions, making travelling to work difficult or impossible  Each workplace might have different rules on what […]