Tag Archives: employment tribunal

Receptionist suffering from public phobia wins £56k after unfair dismissal

employment tribunal for public phobia

Case History Sacramenta D’Silva worked at a chest clinic at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust for 18 years. She lost her job after telling her employer that public facing work was impossible because of her ‘public phobia’. In a tribunal ruling D’Silva won £56,000 for unfair dismissal. After a long sick leave, she returned to […]

Can Employees Refuse to Come to Work because of COVID-19

employment rights

The affect of the pandemic continues to cause an influence how employers manage staff and businesses. The issue of health and safety in office spaces must require effective leadership to ensure employers uphold workers rights for safety .  Recent changes in employment rights law reflect these concerns. As of the 31st of May 2021, employees […]

Right to Appeal Refused to Addison Lee

right to appeal

Addison Lee, the London based private cab hire and courier service, recently represented at an employment tribunal, have been denied the right to appeal meaning that their workers must be considered employees by law. The implications of this for Addison Lee are extensive as it may see thousands of workers able to claim back-pay as […]