Tag Archives: 2020hr

What happens if you don’t pay the National Minimum Wage?

national minimum wage

It’s against the law to pay below the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage or to falsify pay records. Investigation by HMRC Anyone can report an employer to HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) for not paying the minimum wage. The initial report can be anonymous. If HMRC finds that an employer has not paid […]

Do I have to pay overtime to my employees?

overtime pay

Some employers choose to offer pay to employees for working more hours than the employment contract says. Although some employers offer overtime pay, there’s no automatic legal right to it. Any rules, such as how much it is, must be written in the employment contract or agreed verbally. What some employers might offer Some employers might offer: […]

Reclaim money owed by an employee

reclaim money owed by employees

You have the right to reclaim from an employee’s pay if: the employment contract specifically allows it it’s been agreed in writing beforehand you’ve overpaid them by mistake it’s required by law – for example Income Tax or a court order they missed work to be on strike or take industrial action For example, you can […]

How to manage a flexible working request appeal?

It’s a good idea to listen to an appeal if your employee: has information that was missed or not available when you made the decision feels you did not follow your workplace’s policy or the Acas Code of Practice on flexible working requests There’s no legal right for an employee to appeal a flexible working request. […]

Can you change an employees contract?

change contract employment

If a proposed change is covered by the employment contract, the employer can bring in the changes. Check if there’s anything in the contract that says the employer can amend (‘vary’) specific terms of employment, for example: hours or days worked rates of pay the place of work Legally this is known as a ‘flexibility clause’ […]

5 Ways to Boost Employee Retention

5 Ways to Boost Employee Retention, Illustrated by Top Businesses Main organisations across the globe make employee retention a business priority. Apart from long-term techniques, they have also put in place specific ideas which have assisted in enhancing retention. The following are five illustrations to inspire you. 1. Design a progression track for every field, […]