Tag Archives: pregnancy

Pregnant Receptionist Dismissed

Pregnant receptionist sacked

In 2018, A pregnant receptionist was dismissed after suffering from hyperemesis. Mrs K Nasreen won her case for discrimination against her former boss Dr Ali Malik of Malik law services. Before falling pregnant, Nassreen and her manager had a good relationship, however things soon changed. When she announced her pregnancy, she also spoke to Malik […]

Managing Maternity: Returning to Work after Maternity Leave

returning to work maternity leave

Returning to work after maternity leave has ended. The employee’s right to return to the same job depends on how much leave they’ve taken. They’ve taken up to 26 weeks’ maternity leave  They have the right to return to the same job. They’ve taken more than 26 weeks’ maternity leave  They have the right to return to […]

Managing Maternity: Managing Attendance

Managing Maternity Attendance

Managing Attendance during pregnancy. If an employee cannot come to work because of a pregnancy-related illness, they should: report in sick in the usual way get their usual sick pay Pregnancy-related illness can include: morning sickness (nausea and vomiting) tiredness headache backache bleeding If you’re not sure whether an illness is pregnancy related, you can ask […]

Managing Maternity: Planning Maternity Leave

Managing Maternity Leave

Planning maternity leave Before maternity leave starts, you should agree with your employee the best way to keep in touch about important changes or news at work. This includes arranging how you’ll keep in touch (for example, by email). By law you must tell them about: promotion or other job opportunities  redundancies any reorganisation that […]

Managing Maternity: How and when an employee must tell you they are pregnant?

pregnant employee

Rules for pregnant employees By law, anyone classed as an employee must tell you: that they’re pregnant the expected week of the birth – to confirm this you can ask for a medical certificate, such as a ‘MAT B1’ form if they’re more than 20 weeks pregnant the date they want to start maternity leave – the earliest it […]