Tips for the Recruiting Process in 2021

recruiting process

The current pandemic alongside Brexit continues to change how businesses operate in 2021. The Recruiting process must also adapt to these changes. One such change is the implementation of remote working which is now commonplace amongst many businesses. Here are a few other additional factors that employers should consider:

The Effects of Redundancy

Redundancy will continue to be an issue for many throughout the year meaning many candidates will place high value on security. Thus many are looking for roles that are “pandemic proof”. Some workers are reskilling too, in order to find jobs with better security. This is especially true for many sectors such as hospitality, that continue to struggle through this period.

Skilled Workers

Highly skilled workers are significantly less likely to face redundancy throughout the pandemic. What this means for employers is that there will likely be a larger percentage of unskilled workers applying for roles. It may also mean that talent  acquisition of skilled workers will require more appealing vacancies.

Remote Recruiting Process Tips

Even as we begin to leave lockdown restrictions in the past, remote working and remote recruitment is a new normal and is here to stay. With that in mind, here are a few tips for a remote recruiting process:

Ensure technology works in advance for interviews

The last thing you want as an employer when conducting interviews online is technological problems. This may include poor internet connections or candidates struggling to navigate online calls such as zoom. Issues such as these can create significant inefficiencies and stress especially where employers need to interview large numbers of people. In order to avoid this ensure candidates are provided with call instructions before interviews and asked to test these before the final date. Additionally, ensure to ask over the phone or via email whether a candidate’s internet connection will be an issue. This allows for time to come up with alternative solutions such as interviews over the phone or in person if possible.

Keep existing employees in the loop

When recruiting employees remotely, ensure to properly introduce new employees to your existing team. For remote workers, especially when first starting a new role, one can easily feel isolated. In person meet ups are always more effective for building a rapport, however, group video call introductions can be effective too with adequate planning.

Make a clear training and onboarding process

Similar to the last point of getting new employees familiar with existing employees, ensure that remote workers are provided with all the adequate training essential for their employment. This should include making new recruits aware of the rules and regulations included with remote working. This might include making employees aware of policies set out in employee handbooks. For example, where technology such as laptops is provided for remote workers, a fair usage policy may be relevant. Discussions here might include what is and isn’t allowed with regards to company laptops. All training should include diversity and inclusion too, in order to allow for a healthy working atmosphere between staff.

Workplace Tips

As many of us move away from remote working, here are a few extra tips for the recruiting process in 2021:

Consider the benefits for recruits

One factor that is of utmost importance for many job seekers in 2021 is the issue of Covid safety. Especially for the older and more clinically vulnerable, a businesses commitment to Covid safety may be a vital factor in whether they take a position or not. Thus, employers should ensure adequate preparation for any questions that arise during interviews regarding Covid- safety in the workplace. This must coincide with measures being upheld in the workplace such as frequent sanitisation and cleaning of work spaces.

Consider allowing more flexible working

With many still expressing concerns with Covid safety in the workplace, allowing more flexibility in how employees can carry out their work may help convince more applicants to pursue a company. This may also be a valuable benefit for some workers as many workers have expressed greater productivity and an overall preference for home working throughout the pandemic. For employers, this does not necessarily mean that all workers should be allowed to work from home all the time. There are many ways a hybrid working model can be arranged so that workers can work both in part from home and from the workplace too.

Avoid hiring people because they are willing to take significant pay cuts

As we have previously mentioned, with many workers being made redundant, many people are keen to find work. As a result of this there are many who will accept significant pay cuts in order to find work. This may seem beneficial from an employer’s point of view, however this is not necessarily the case. Hiring people at low rates risks abandonment from these same employees as soon as they can find a job that can provide better pay. Therefore, it is much more beneficial to pay new recruits a respectable wage as it will increase retention.

For more support with recruitment and additional HR support, contact us.