Working time for someone who travels as part of their job


If an employee has a fixed place of work (such as an office they go to every day), it’s up to the employer to decide whether travel time between home and work counts as working time.

An employee should check their employment contract if they’re not sure.

Usually, an employee’s regular commute to and from work will not be counted as working time. 


If travel time counts as working time, it’s up to the employer to decide if the employee gets paid for it. Check the contract if you’re not sure. The employer must still follow the law on the National Minimum Wage.

If the employee has no fixed place of work

Some jobs have no fixed place of work. These are often jobs where the employee spends a lot of time visiting customers or clients. People who do this work are sometimes known as ‘peripatetic workers’. 

These types of jobs can include:

  • care workers
  • plumbers and other tradespeople
  • teachers who work at different schools over the working day
  • travelling salespeople

Travel between home and work may count as working time for them. 

It’s still up to the employer to decide if the employee gets paid for this time. The employer must follow National Minimum Wage law.

Need help managing working time? Contact Beagle HR for expert support and advice!

This article has been adapted from the ACAS website