How Will Human Resources Evolve in 2020?

2019 was another interesting year in the world of Human Resources. With the renewed focus on equal pay, more digital transformation and a focus on improving the wellbeing in the workplace. Here are my five predictions about how HR is going to change in 2020.

Recruitment will get more challenging

As unemployment continues to fall the battle for talent will continue. The costs of hiring the best talent with the necessary skills to flourish in 2020 will increase.

However, these increase costs in paying salary premiums will not be sustainable in the long term. Businesses should focus on creating modern talent strategies to ensure they work towards what they need to do to give their workforce the skills required for flourish in the next decade.

A shift from digital transformation to digital dexterity

The future workplace will require more emphasis on the mindset of individuals.  Making it essential that the workforce is comfortable in dealing with ambiguity, are committed to matching the pace of change and have the willingness for continuous improvement.

HR teams will need to influence the organisation to break with the traditional hiring process and rather than seeking “what have you done” to a more “what can you offer.” To ensure they have the most agile workforce that will embrace digital changes and understands the true benefits and values it can add to the business.

Wellbeing will play a key role in organisational design

Having seen a focus on mental and psychological health during 2019, the year 2020 will be no different as employees look for a job that meaningful, manageable and fulfilling.

Organisations will need to design roles and work that is more tailored to individual employees. Moving away from the standard “one size fits all approach” companies will need to be more flexible.

HR will have a duty to ensure management is taking more innovative approaches to how they are managing their workforce and ensure its policies are modern and up to date to reflect this.

HR Leaders and Managers will become data experts

The people function will need to be a lot more cosy with technology. They will need to understand what it means for their corporate strategy, for employee engagement, for talent attraction; and how the services delivered by HR can be improved through its use.

As part of this, the more agile HR teams will be using tools commonly used in marketing, such as segmenting their employee base.  Doing so will allow HR to recognise that the relationship between an individual and their employer can change through time, As part of this, HR needs to offer improved personalisation and flexibility in employee engagement to respond to this. Not being expert in technology, its broad implications and the game-changing opportunity that data presents will risk pushing HR to the periphery of the organisation.

Continued focus on diversity

Over the last two years, we’ve seen vast scrutiny over organisations gender pay gap. Pay gaps will continue to be under the spotlight and will move onto demographics such as ethnicity. Organisations will need to be on the front foot when it comes to diversity and equality in their organisations.

Robust action plans will need to drawn to address and improve diversity. Data insights will drive these action plans, and the HR departments must use these to their advantage.

What do you think of my predictions to HR in 2020? Comment below with your thoughts


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